Thursday, January 24, 2008

Participation Rebate

It was New Years Eve and we were gathered around the systems main computer. The Board of Directors had given us a target that we knew we would be close to, but until you can look at some of the December month-end reports you never know exactly what kind of participation rebate can be offered. We hoped for the best.

The participation rebate is something everybody loves about the HCCU - Especially the employees. Once you get a full understanding, once you see how it works and see how much money is paid back to the members, how can you not. I think the staff especially appreciates it since they’re all members and get to reap the benefits of banking with the HCCU. They too, like every member paying or receiving interest within their account, like to see some extra money on December 31st.

The final ledger and balance sheet came off the printer like a hot part on an assembly line and worked its way from the back office to the hands of our General Manager and Manager of Finance.

Numbers were crunched

Beads of sweat wiped from brows.

That equal button was hit and the results were in.

12% would be the rebate. Another astounding return.

And with that I hit a few keys and divided almost half a million dollars amongst our loyal members.

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